Nonuniform distribution of points on the parameter rectangle $(\theta,\varphi)$. Notice the points get more sparse at the top and bottom, corresponding to $\varphi$ at its extreme values. |
Sphere with a uniform distribution of 2000 points (click to enlarge), generated by MATLAB |
So What's the More General Thing Here?
As veteran readers might have expected, this situation is not as specific as it may seem. Transforming probability density functions (pdfs), even just on a line, sometimes seems very mysterious, because it doesn't work the same way as other coordinate changes for functions one often encounters. It is not enough to simply evaluate the pdf at a new point (corresponding to the composition of the pdf with the coordinate change). Instead what is reported in most books, and sometimes proved using the Change of Variables theorem, is some funny formula involving a lot of Jacobians. But this is the real reason: it's because the natural object associated to probability densities is a top-dimensional differential form (actually, a differential pseudoform, which I have spent some time advocating, for the simple reason that modeling things in a geometrically correct manner really clarifies things—just think, for example, how one may become confused by a right-hand rule?). A way to view such objects, besides as a function times a standardized "volume" form, is a swarm, which is precisely one of these distributions of points (although they don't have to be random, generating them this way is an excellent way to get a handle on it).If we have some probability distribution on our space, and near some point it is specified (parametrized) by variables $x = (x_1, x_2,\dots,x_n)$, then the pdf should (locally) look like $\rho(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n) dx_1 dx_2\dots dx_n$. Most probability texts, of course, just consider the $\rho$ part without the differential $n$-form part $dx_1\dots dx_n$. But when transforming coordinates to $y$ such that $x = f(y)$, then the standard sources simply state that $\rho$ in the new coordinates is $\rho(f(y)) \left|\det \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right)\right|$. But really, it's because the function part $\rho(x)$ becomes $\rho(f(y))$ as a function usually would, and the $dx_1 \dots dx_n$ becomes $\left|\det \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right) \right| dy_1\dots dy_n$. In total, we have the transformation law
\rho(x_1,\dots,x_n) dx_1 \dots dx_n=\rho(f(y_1,\dots,y_n)) \left|\det \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\right) \right| dy_1\dots dy_n.
The usual interpretation of the $n$-form $\rho(x) dx_1 \dots dx_n$ is simply that, when integrated over some region of space, gives the total quantity of whatever such a form is trying to measure (volume, mass, electric charge, or here, probability).
Another Curious Example
One perennial interesting example is the computation of two independent, normally distributed random variables (with mean $0$ and variance $\sigma^2$), and considering the distribution of their polar coordinates. For one variable, the normal distribution is, using our fancy-schmancy form notation,
\rho(x)\; dx = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} e^{-x^2/2\sigma^2} dx
From the definition of independence, two normally distributed variables have a density obtained by multiplying them together:
\[ \omega = \rho(x)\rho(y) \; dx\;dy = \frac{1}{2\pi\sigma^2} e^{-(x^2 + y^2)/2\sigma^2} dx\;dy.\]\[
\rho(x)\; dx = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} e^{-x^2/2\sigma^2} dx
From the definition of independence, two normally distributed variables have a density obtained by multiplying them together:
So if we want the distribution in polar coordinates, where $x = r \cos \theta$ and $y = r \sin \theta$, this means we transform the form part as the usual $dx\;dy = r\; dr\; d\theta$, and write the density part as $\frac{1}{2\pi\sigma^2}e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2}$. In total,
\omega = \frac{1}{2\pi\sigma^2} r e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2} dr \; d\theta
This factors back out into two independent pdfs (i.e., $r$ and $\theta$ are independent random variables) as
\omega = \left(\frac{1}{\sigma^2} r e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2} dr\right) \left( \frac{1}{2\pi} d\theta\right)
which means we can take $\theta$ and uniformly distribute it in $[0,2\pi]$ as before. To get $r$, we can proceed by two ways. First, we could imitate what we did earlier with the sphere: use integration by substitution or the Chain Rule, to deduce that $\frac{1}{\sigma^2} r e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2} dr= d\left(- e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2}\right)$, and thus, making the substitution $v = - e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2}$, we now have $\omega = \frac{1}{2\pi} dv\; d\theta$. The range of $v$ has to be in $[-1,0)$, since $e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2}$ goes to zero as $r \to \infty$ and has a maximum at $1$. With this, we uniformly distribute $v \in [-1,0)$ and invert the function:
r=\sqrt{-2\sigma^2 \log (-v)}.
Alternatively, we can substitute $u = r^2/2\sigma^2$ (and the inverse, $r = \sqrt{2\sigma^2 u}$). Then $du = (r/\sigma^2) dr$, and $\frac{1}{\sigma^2} re^{-r^2/2\sigma^2} dr = e^{-u} du$, with $u \geq 0$. This means $u$ is distributed as an exponential random variable with parameter $\lambda = 1$. However, this is often computed using uniform $[0,1]$ variables as well, for which we simply end up using something similar to the above method. Still, however, it gives another way of understanding the distributions: it certainly is very interesting that two normally distributed random variables becomes, via such an ordinary transformation such as polar coordinates, (the square root of) an exponentially distributed random variable and a uniform random variable.
What about three independent normally distributed variables (with mean zero and all the same variance)? It turns out the $r$ coordinate is not so easy (it's a gamma distribution), but the $\varphi$ and $\theta$ variables yield a uniform distribution on the sphere! However, it shouldn't be too surprising: given three independent such variables, there should be no bias on their directionality in $3$-space. We can also turn this around to give ourselves an alternate method of uniformly distributing points on a sphere (since normal random variables are very easy to generate): take three such variables, consider it a point in $\mathbb R^3$, and divide by its magnitude (I thank Donald Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2 for this trick; it has an excellent discussion on random number generation).
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