(here the angle is in radians and the equation is $r = \theta$). Of course, some people thought this was a bit boring, so Fermat spiced it up and thought what if we make the spirals wind tighter as you go around? Basically, make it a concave-down, increasing function, $r = \sqrt{\theta}$. Actually, it's more fun to also consider $r = -\sqrt{\theta}$:
($r=\sqrt{\theta}$ is in blue, and $r = -\sqrt{\theta} is in yellow$)
This of course could more succinctly be written $\theta = r^2$. But perhaps the second-most famous, due to its ubiquity in nature (because stuff tends to grow exponentially) is the famous logarithmic spiral $r = e^{c \theta}$ or $\theta = \frac{1}{c} \log r$, which magnifies every time you spin it.
And finally, where would we be in polar graphs if we didn't have the analogue of stuff with asymptotes? Consider $r^{-2} = \theta$ (instead of $r^+2$):
This is called the lituus of Cotes. There's all sorts of curves from back in the day with very funny names; I used to look for a lot of them on the MacTutor History of Math Page (more specifically, its Curves Index).
There's one other spiral that's my favorite, but (1) it isn't polar, and (2) there's a lot of interesting differential geometry going on in it, so I'm saving it for another post.