Sunday, October 11, 2020

Chaos Still Reigns!!

A quick follow-on to last week's post. It would be blasphemous to talk about chaos without at least mentioning the most iconic fractal since fractals became a thing via The Fractal Geometry of Nature, the set of complex numbers named after its author, Benoit Mandelbrot. I've spent a lot of time exploring the Mandelbrot set since I've been able to use computers, so you'd think I'd have plenty to say about it. And I do, but not this week. Indeed it is this, more than anything else, that started me on the visualization track. Instead, I'll leave you with the real reason why the thing is so damn captivating in the first place, with, what else, a visualization.

The Mandelbrot Set with $-1.01 \leq\operatorname{Re}(z) \leq -1.006$ and $0.309 \leq \operatorname{Im}(z) \leq 0.313$.
The Mandelbrot set is in fact relevant to strongest theme of this blog, that of parameter spaces. Namely, it is the set of all parameters $c$ such that the iteration $z \mapsto z^2 + c$, starting at $z=0$, remains bounded. It in fact is a catalogue of another bunch of fractals (just like having a catalogue of all lines in the plane), Julia sets, which describe for each fixed $c$, what starting values of the iteration $z \mapsto z^2 + c$ stay bounded. In other words, Julia sets describe a collection involving the $z$ values of the iteration, and the Mandelbrot set describes a collection involving $c$ values. The main dark blobby part of the image is the actual set; the fancy colors are just colorings according to how long it takes for a point there to escape outside a certain disk in the plane ($|z|\leq 2$). Here the colors are assigned to the Viridis palette, and the iteration is done up to 1000 times (at 1000, it's just considered to be in the set). It cycles through the Viridis palette by the number of iterations modulo 50 (every 50 times, the color repeats), which is why you see interesting discontinuous jumps in color. Enjoy. (The next post will probably include some examples of Julia sets, showing precisely how the Mandelbrot set is a catalogue of them). I leave you with my all-time favorite from the 90s, the "Jewel Box" as coined by Rollo Silver in a fractal newsletter Amygdala back in the '90s. Unfortunately, I don't know where he is now and what the state of the newsletter is!

Centered at $-0.74542846 + 0.11300888\mathsf{i}$ and going about $10^{-5}$ on either side in the $x$-direction

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